Thursday, December 20, 2007

Misandry Sells

People say that sex sells, well in our postmodern world there is one other strategy that advertisers use with impunity, and that is Misandry.

There is nothing more amusing than to watch a man be humiliated, hurt or otherwise degraded....right.......but if a women was portrayed in the same manner oh my god, it would be seen as an utter outrage.

The image above is from a t-shirt designed for girls. People magazine ran a story on the T-shirt, opening with a quote from a then 10 year-old girl, "I want to make boys feel bad because it's fun."[1]

Click on this link to see a you tube video by themanonthestreet called Breaking the Lies- aint it funny -

If you see any advertisements in Australia that you find offensive or discriminatory against men please contact the Advertising Standards Bureau of Australia.

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